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  • Training Her Curves - Miami (A BBW Billionaire Domination and Submission Romance) Page 3

Training Her Curves - Miami (A BBW Billionaire Domination and Submission Romance) Read online

Page 3

  I didn't need Marjolein to fill in that particular blank. "About me, right?"

  She shrugged, her expression shutting down as she realized that maybe she had said too much -- again.

  "Don't worry." I moved toward one of the leather sofas along the side of the plane and sat down. "I don't plan on having anything but the most cursory business conversations with your other boss. Not even that if I can manage."

  Marjolein sank onto the cushion next to me, her head tilting toward the door as her hands twisted in her lap. "I wish the trip was starting in a more pleasant manner for you."

  "When is business ever pleasant?" I punctuated the question with a gentle shoulder bump. When she turned to look at me, I threw her a wink.

  She smiled, some of the tension draining from her face. Breaking habit, I smiled back and felt some of my own unease flee...

  For all of two seconds, which was when Dylan opened the door and marched toward the espresso machine secured against the opposite wall of the plane. Deciding I would ignore his rude, uptight ass, I looked at the door he had just walked through to find Jake watching me. He crooked a finger in my direction, bidding me to join him on the other side of the panel.

  "Have fun," Marjolein whispered as I passed.

  The wistfulness in her voice dragged my gaze in her direction, but she had already forgotten me, her attention focused like a laser on the uncompromising back of Dylan Kehoe.

  Jake curled his hand around my wrist as soon as I was within arm's length and pulled me into the room. He shut the door behind me then pressed his body against mine. His face dipped to hide against my hair and the curve of my throat.

  His fingers found my hips to gently press into my flesh. A small click at the back of his throat preceded a sigh and then the fingers dug more forcefully, but not so hard they caused me pain. At the same time, another part of him swelled against the lower curve of my stomach. The realization brought a smile to my lips, one he couldn't see.

  "How many hours has it been?" he asked, his voice sounding a little worn.

  "Since you left my apartment?"

  "Since I touched your sweet body, kissed it...fucked it."

  My breathing hitched at the rasp in his voice and fresh cream pushed past the seal of my lower lips to wet my panties.

  "How many?" he repeated.

  I didn't need to think on the answer. Eighteen hours, thirty-eight minutes had passed, but I didn't want him to know I had been counting.

  "More than a dozen, I guess."

  My reply earned a short growl. He tugged me toward another panel that further divided the plane. I caught just a glimpse of a tub large enough to hold two people and then we were through another door in what appeared to be the last section of the plane.

  His body rolling like the professional athlete he had once been, Jake dumped me on the bed that occupied more than half of the room. Pillows bounced as I landed. I had a second to process the sound of them hitting the floor before Jake draped his body over me. His fingers found the bottom hem of my dress an instant later.

  I gasped as his hand smoothed quickly up my thigh to seize the gusset of my panties.

  Lifting his head, he stared down at me, mock indignation playing across his handsome features.

  "You hurt my feelings, baby."

  I didn't believe him. I saw the smile lurking in those magic eyes of his.

  "Why?" I asked, my lips pursing tartly. "Because I wasn't counting the hours?"

  "No," he answered. "Because you lied about not counting them."

  Grinning, he eased the tip of one finger between my labia, swiftly exposing my charade.

  In a heart beat, his gaze and tone turned serious. "The first time you were on stage with me, you didn't have time to think about the people watching us, didn't have time to get wound up and run..."

  "I won't run," I promised, even though I had no idea how I could ensure that I wouldn't. At that point in time, I certainly didn't want to run. I wanted to fuck. Even knowing only a few thin panels of wood separated us from his brother and their executive assistant, I wanted Jake to make me scream they way I had cried out the evening before. I wanted to moan and grunt and get all wet for him -- all my earlier trepidation that morning completely forgotten once I had him pushing against me with his hard cock and talented fingers.

  His lips rolled together as the gears turned in his head. "Baby, you have no idea what I'm going to do to you on stage tonight."

  "If it's anything like yesterday..." The words died at the end of my tongue as I saw the wicked light in his eyes flare brighter.

  "I'm certain my fingers are the only thing that's ever been in your lovely bottom."

  I swallowed, forgetting to nod or otherwise tell him he was right.

  "I do believe something larger will be penetrating it on stage tonight."

  Air escaped me with a whimper. He responded with a chuckle and slid off the mattress to retrieve a small case from beneath the bed. Placing the case next to me on the mattress, he opened the lid and my whimper melted to a soft mewling.

  Toys. Big toys. Toys that were easily 20 times the size of the little vibe he had confiscated from my apartment the day before. Strangely shaped toys, balls on top of balls, something that looked like it could be inflated, knobby cocks that made my pussy sweat with anxiety.

  The heel of my boot struck what felt distressingly like another case as Jake settled between my legs and pushed my thighs further apart.

  "What is this?" I gurgled the question, my heel tapping against the object for emphasis.

  "Nothing for you to worry about, baby." His mouth twitched at the end of his answer, as if he didn't quite believe what he had just said. "It's Dylan's."

  My body tightened reflexively and not with any kind of pleasure. He seemed to note the sudden tension. He shook his head, trying to negate the source of my unease.

  "I don't share, love."

  I relaxed for half a second and then his use of "love" tapped against the surface of my thoughts like a miner's pick axe against a fragile glass globe.

  "Alexa," Jake growled. "Shut that brain down, baby."

  I forced my hands to relax, unclenching the gnarled fists they had become.

  "Better," he purred as he pushed my dress up my thighs. He didn't bother removing my panties, just pulled the gusset tight to one side before he began licking at my flesh.

  "Perfect," he murmured and dropped a soft kiss against the underside of my clit.

  Sweet mercy, but how that man knew how to please a pussy. Everything below my belly button melted into a soft, hot pool of need. I didn't even have enough brain cells as he licked and sucked and kissed against my clit and cunt to recognize the sound of a cap being unthreaded from a bottle of some type of lubrication.

  His finger pushing gently against the opening of my ass barely registered on my panic radar. My cunt was too busy squeezing around nothing while my clit jumped like a trained poodle whenever his mouth brushed over it. The thundering wave of my first orgasm buried his insertion of a second finger. The third finger only magnified my pleasure. My body twisted along the mattress with an insatiable hunger as my pussy and ass pumped against Jake's mouth and fingers.

  "Fuck, baby," he rasped, momentarily abandoning my body as he stood. "You have no idea how crazy you're driving me right now. I'm ready to spill inside my pants."

  Heat flared in my chest at the compliment. I didn't have time to enjoy the sensation longer than that brief eruption. Jake unceremoniously rolled me onto my stomach. He pushed my dress up over my ample bottom. Letting the knit fabric clump along the small of my back, he pulled my silky panties down and off. Carefully, he positioned one of my legs on the long side of the bed's corner and the other leg on the short side, leaving me spread very wide when viewed from behind.

  And he was definitely viewing me from behind, approval rumbling deep inside his chest as he forcefully massaged my butt cheeks. Sensing the impending slap, I captured my bottom lip and bit down to keep from
crying out.

  I lifted before impact, my ass levitating to meet his hand and then dropping to the mattress as the sting burned across my skin. The sound of a zipper being lowered played along the edge of my hearing and then Jake was buried balls deep in my pussy.

  I gasped with pleasure and surprise. Unless he had put a condom on before my arrival and kept it hidden inside his pants, he was fucking me skin on skin.

  "Jake--" Half moan, half protest, the rest of the warning froze in my throat so thick I struggled to breathe around it.

  "Shhh. I won't come if you don't."

  My eyes rolled up in my head as I wondered just where the hell he thought I was hiding that level of self-control? Not that hot recess his cock stretched wide, not that other hole his fingers teased open as he poised the heavily lubricated tip of one toy at its entrance, not beneath me where my nipples rubbed painfully against the slippery covering of fabric atop the bed.

  Not in this fucking time zone or any other.

  "Breathe, Alexa," he coached as the toy's tip began to press against my ass. "Deep breath in...out...in again..."

  As I complied and sucked another lungful of air into my body, I felt the breach. Looking at the inside of my skull, I could only sense the flutter of my eyelids as the dildo penetrated me. The smallest of those in the case, it still felt ten times too big for my almost virgin ass.

  "Out," he ordered and I felt the muscles of my bottom and thighs relax as my lungs expelled the air I had been holding. Jake's body tightened against me and he started a gentle fucking of both holes.

  I clawed the silk blanket then stuffed a handful of the fabric into my mouth. In, out, in, out, both openings penetrated then emptied in the same direction. I started to tremble, then quaked, my legs first, then all of me. Despite the thick wad of material I had gagged myself with, I could feel the press of my top teeth against my bottom lip as my climax threatened to erupt all over the bed.

  Feeling his cock leave me completely, I whimpered and ejected the mouthful of blanket.

  "Please," I begged. "I want both."

  His light chuckle tickling my ears, Jake reached into the case and removed the largest dildo. With the other toy still in my ass, I didn't tense, didn't feel any fear, just raw hunger that demanded to be fed. Feed me, he did, sliding the big, latex cock into my pussy. The hand manipulating the toy in my ass moved slowly, gently, while the other slammed and twisted, torqued and teased until I came screaming and crying, my tears and my juices darkening the material beneath me.

  "Come like that tonight, love," Jake whispered in my ear, "And every damn man in the house will be moaning your name."


  Two hours later, with Jake's arm looped through mine, I entered the lobby of the Miami resort owned by the Kehoe brothers and their sister. Heads turned at our entrance, some of the faces wearing an unmistakably shocked expression. The surprised looks became more deeply etched as Dylan and Marjolein entered half a minute later and several of the staff clustered around us as if royalty had just entered the building.

  Glaring at the employees, a man somewhere in his mid-forties forced them into a straight line with just a small clearing of his throat. His body inclined ever so slightly toward Dylan and then Jake in a subtle bow that only reinforced my impression of the Kehoe brothers as king and crown prince.

  "Gentlemen, Miss Dekker, Miss Hunt, your rooms are ready." Starting to speak, he made an even more indistinct bow at Marjolein and then me.

  Stiffening, I searched for any sort of name tag on his impeccable suit, but none existed. It was unnerving for a stranger to know my name when I didn't know his.

  "Thank you, Fritz," Jake said, his hand clasping the man's shoulder. "You put Miss Hunt in with me, correct?"

  I stiffened a little more but managed to remain silent. Bad enough the blood rushing to my cheeks signaled my embarrassment, I didn't need to add a gasp of any sort to the body of evidence that my stay at the hotel was as a paid sex worker.

  "Yes," Fritz nodded. "The items you sent ahead arrived a few hours ago and are in the room already."

  Fritz plucked a dark green pass card from his breast pocket and handed it to Jake, his eyes flicking casually in my direction before returning to Jake. "Usual guest access, please let me know if any modifications are in order."

  My arm still entwined with Jake's, a felt a wave of tension roll through him. I glanced in time to see the bob of his throat and half of an unconvincing smile. Taking the card, he said nothing to Fritz.

  "Miss Dekker is in her usual room?" Dylan asked.

  Fritz's focus jumped from Jake to the elder Kehoe brother and then to Marjolein. Smiling at her, he inclined his head. "I placed a fresh arrangement of gladiolas in the room this morning, Miss Dekker."

  More than a little amused, I watched Dylan capture Marjolein's elbow and turn away from Fritz with a cold nod and terse words.

  "That will be all."

  Disagreeing, Fritz took half a step in front of Dylan. "Mr. Long and a guest are waiting for you in the executive offices. Should I tell him he'll have to wait?"

  Easing the growing tension, Jake chuckled. "When does Austin Long wait, especially when he has the upper hand?"

  Rolling his eyes at his younger brother, Dylan's stony facade cracked with a slight grin. "He hears you saying that, and you're in more trouble than you can handle, Junior."

  "Impossible," Jake snorted. "You off all people should know there's no trouble I can't handle, old man."

  Dylan's grin grew predatory as his gaze slid in my direction. His mouth parted for half a second before Marjolein interrupted him.

  "Stop measuring cocks, boys. You're keeping Mr. Long, his guest and me waiting." Twisting her elbow free from Dylan, she headed toward the bank of elevators. Dylan quickly followed, his strides long until he pulled even with personal assistant and matched her pace.

  Jake huffed then wrapped his hand warmly around my arm and led me toward the elevators. "I was hoping the business part of this trip could wait, but Austin is our entry into some of the more restrictive countries."

  I didn't prod him for more information, but he brought his lips close to my ear and whispered, "Officially, none of the Arab states would ever consider permitting anything like the Century Club within their borders."

  Pausing, he nipped lightly at my ear. The very public display of sexual intimacy caused my heart to beat like a jackhammer inside my chest.

  "But a man's desires," he continued, breaking contact as we reached Dylan and Marjolein. "Are the same no matter which god he worships."

  "Goddess," Marjolein corrected as the four of us stepped into the elevator. Her gaze jumped between both brothers. "I know you're enamored with what's between your legs, but it's not a penis you're actually worshipping."

  My heart hammered a little harder and I knew it would be pointless to try to wipe the shock or amusement her words had produced from my face. I was just relieved that we were the only people in the elevator.

  Ignoring Dylan's stern look, Jake shrugged and acknowledged Marjolein's wisdom. "Right as always, little goddess."

  She rolled her eyes, then turned to me. "Assuming the boys don't need me, I should be able to get you settled in your room after we greet Austin and his guest."

  I nodded, relieved that the subject seemed to be moving away from sex at last. Not like I'm a prude, the conversation was just disconcerting and more than a little uncomfortable, especially since everyone in the elevator had probably heard me screaming my pleasure on the plane. I needed time to hide and a nice soak in a hot bath before the evening's performance began.

  I exhaled, my breath shaky at the sudden reminder that I would, once again, be on stage at a sex club, Jake masterfully working my body in front of another audience. Even worse, I had no idea if Marjolein or Dylan would be present, or any other person I might have to interact with in the future. The first time in Chicago, I only engaged with Jake after the performance, and the driver he had take me home.

  "Breathe, love," Jake whispered as the elevator doors opened.

  I looked at Jake, any reply I might have offered freezing on my tongue as I caught the expression on Dylan's face. Snake-like would be a good description, and the way his eyes slanted in my direction, I was pretty sure I was the mouse he planned on having for supper.

  "Dylan, you old bastard!"

  My head jerked in the direction of the man who had just shouted upon our arrival. He was maybe Jake's age. Their coloring and build were similar, too, both men dark haired and appearing to be in peak physical shape. As the man moved toward our small party, I noticed a marked difference in the way he walked. Unlike Jake's sexy swagger, this man walked like a truly lethal predator, someone who had been trained in combat or heavily invested his time in the martial arts.

  Extending his arm, he grasped Dylan and pulled him close. Words were inaudibly exchanged between the two men and then the man I assumed to be Austin Long turned and pulled a woman forward.

  "My legal counsel, Miss Gina Banks," he offered as introduction. "This is Dylan Kehoe, stingiest man you'll ever meet, his imminently more fun and better looking brother Jake, my future executive assistant Marjolein Dekker..."

  The man's glittering gaze bounced from Marjolein to Dylan and then to me. "And this beauty is unknown to me."

  "Alexa," I said, extending my hand in the woman's direction while entirely ignoring her client.

  "Very nice to meet all of you," she said while giving my hand a firm shake.

  I felt an instant kinship with her. Despite the stoic, aloof front she presented, I sensed she was as much out of her element as I was. And I wondered, legal counsel or not, whether it was for the same reason.

  Curious, I studied her as she shook hands with Marjolein, then Dylan and Jake. A dark skinned beauty, she had selected a tailored skirt suit in a deep chocolate and paired it with a burgundy blouse beneath the blazer. Her dark hair was carefully pulled into an updo, pinned in place with a comb fashioned from a red agate that matched her earrings and the triple strand of beads around her throat. Everything seemed restrained and highly coordinated -- even her smile.