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  • Training Her Curves - Miami (A BBW Billionaire Domination and Submission Romance) Page 4

Training Her Curves - Miami (A BBW Billionaire Domination and Submission Romance) Read online

Page 4

  "Will you be joining us for the initial discussions, Miss Banks," Jake asked while he still had her hand trapped in his.

  "No," she answered with a twitch of her top lip as she freed herself from his grasp. She seemed ready to say more, but then she stepped back with a dismissive shake of her head.

  Certain I was no longer the only sex toy of a rich man in the room, I relaxed a little more against Jake. He gave me a light squeeze and a peck on my cheek before catching Marjolein's attention.

  "Can you make sure Alexa and Miss Banks are settled in?"

  She responded with an enthusiastic grin and latched onto my arm before tilting her head in the other woman's direction. "Miss Banks, if you'll follow me."

  Leaving the men to discuss business, it took five minutes to deposit Gina in one of the VIP penthouse suites and another five before Marjolein and I were in Jake's suite on the same floor, sitting on the king-size bed and gossiping shamelessly about Austin Long and his "legal counsel" as I nervously opened the boxes that had been delivered to the room in advance.

  "What I don't get," I said, pulling out a silky, cream colored nightgown from one of the boxes, "Is that she's an attorney. I mean, isn't that incompatible with being a..."

  For the life of me, I couldn't push the word "submissive" past my lips.

  Marjolein put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes at me. "So, you mean submissives should only be assistants like me, bank tellers, nurses perhaps--"

  "I didn't mean it that way," I started then stopped to stare at her. "Are you saying you are one?"

  Dark crimson stained her cheeks for an instant before she laughed the idea off. "No, I'm the definition of vanilla. I'm only here because I'm a notary in each of the states and most of the countries we do business in. Dylan doesn't want me anywhere near one of the clubs if it can be avoided. I'm certainly not allowed in them."

  Her hands moved from her hips to pluck undecidedly at the strings binding one of the unopened boxes. Her lips mashed together and then she glanced at me, her blush deepening.

  "I tried to research it once, but the sites were all so intimidating. The best I could do was look at the Razor Girls site." She sighed, her face suddenly serious. "Stupidly, I was at work and couldn't close the browser fast enough. That's how Jake found you. So, if this winds up being a terrible experience, it's my fault."

  Her bottom lip quivered as she finished and, once again, I broke habit to lean across the box that separated us and give her a hug.

  "Thank you," she sniffled, leaving the bed in search of a tissue.

  She disappeared into the bathroom and I seized the opportunity to open the heaviest of the boxes. Seeing only a fancy gown and matching accessories, I breathed a sigh of relief that nothing embarrassing was hidden inside for me to discover while Marjolein was in the room.

  Leaving the bathroom, she whistled as I removed the gown and gave the heavy velvet skirt a hard shake. Her hand flew up to cover her mouth. She dropped it, shaking her head as she pointed at the dress. "I'm pretty certain that's an Versini."

  "Is there a reason you look so shocked?" Holding the gown against me, I turned and examined it in the mirror. The velvet was a dark red, maybe two shades deeper than my hair. The bodice of interwoven silk threads in gold and silver was almost non-existent. Noting the lack of sleeves, I frowned.

  She gave my arm a gentle squeeze. "It's going to look a-maz-ing on you."

  "You haven't seen my tattoos," I countered as I looked in the box. At least Jake had the good sense to include a shawl that matched the intricate bodice.

  "But Jake has," she shot back with a smile. Moving to her purse, she pulled out a small envelope and handed it to me. "And that is one Kehoe who never makes a mistake."

  I shook my head, unconvinced, and took the envelope. Absently opening it, I gave a prodding nod at the dress. "You didn't answer me. You looked shocked."

  Shouldering her purse, she shrugged then glanced at her watch. "Versini doesn't design in our size. Jake must have twisted his arm and that--"

  Stopping, she pointed at the bodice. "That isn't something that gets thrown together at the last minute, so when was it ordered?"

  I immediately dismissed the idea that Jake had ordered the dress before I had even signed the contract. Returning the gown to its box, I rolled my eyes in Marjolein's direction. "Sorry, sugar, but you don't know designers as well as you think you do."

  Her eyes sparkled at the challenge and her lips pushed up in a sweetly smug smile.

  "Oh, I know all the designers very well," she said, almost skipping toward the door. She stepped into the outer room then turned to stare at me. Slowly, she pulled the door toward her until she peeked at me through a crack no more than two inches wide. "Even better -- sugar -- I know Jake!"

  With a wink and an evil giggle, she disappeared.

  Dumbfounded, I sank onto the bed. The envelop she had given me earlier slid from my hands to the floor, the contents unread. Happy for the distraction, I plucked it from the floor and pulled out a single sheet of paper. A note from Jake, it contained simple instructions for what would prove to be a very complicated night.


  Anyone guessing that I would be more relaxed, or at least less panicked, for my second engagement on stage would have been dead wrong. Fortunately, I had never acclimated to displaying my body despite the years of modeling, and I had a dozen little tricks to keep my feet moving and my balance halfway steady as I approached the stage.

  Jake's hand firmly against the middle of my back staunched the flow of courage that leaked from me like perspiration. A hood with a thin, mesh covered slit that I could barely see through helped as well. I knew Jake would eventually remove that last piece of protection, but, until then, I could pretend that I would remain anonymous to the audience.

  Finally climbing the steps to the stage, I could see that the black curtain dividing it was semi-transparent. With the hood, I still couldn't determine what hid behind the fabric or, by extension, what Jake planned for my body.

  "One more step, Alexa," Jake coached when my feet suddenly became heavier than I could lift.

  I forced my leg up, my foot landing on the stage. A less than graceful lift of my other leg threatened to send me sprawling face first. Jake wrapped an arm around my waist, his torso pressing against my back as he waited for me to find my center of balance. The soft murmur of the crowd remained steady. No gasps of anticipation sounded at an impending fall.

  "I'm fine," I whispered, the back of my head gently butting against his as he nuzzled my neck.

  With a light push against my bottom, he guided me forward. When I reached the curtain and stopped, he ordered me to face the crowd. I felt and heard the soft rustle of the curtain lifting. A few ohs and ahs escaped the audience, my anxiety intensifying as I wondered what Jake had placed on the stage behind me. Another cross? That I could handle, but I had seen the other pieces of specialized furniture -- and machinery -- the clubs would have in the pictures Jake had shown me during our first round of negotiations. Certain items terrified me.

  The fucking machines...

  The wooden cocoon...

  "Trust me, love," Jake urged with a soft rasp meant only for me.

  I inhaled, slowly and deeply, pushing relaxation into my tense muscles inch by stubborn inch. Sensing I was ready, Jake pulled off the cloak that covered me from shoulder to toe to reveal the outfit, and body, hiding beneath. Adrenaline kicked me hard in the chest, but I remained outwardly calm as I waited for the snickers and disapproving grunts.

  None came.

  "Endurance," Jake reminded me, his hands running down my arms then across my stomach and up to my breast in a rough caress. "Endurance, a pussy wet with a nearly insatiable need, boundless desire -- that is what defines beauty in this club."

  Knowing I possessed at least two of the three qualities, I relaxed again. Endurance would come with time, fueled by my passionate response to Jake, a man who would always make me wet an
d leave me hungry for more.

  He circled me, stopping when we faced one another. He placed an index finger against each of my shoulders and lightly pushed, the pressure only stopping when the back of my knees came into contact with something solid.

  "Sit, Alexa."

  My knees weak from the firm tone, I complied instantly. My bottom landed roughly on a small, oddly shaped seat that merely cupped the back half of my ass while forcing my hips into a forward cant. Jake began molding me to the rest of the chair. My thighs were spread wide, revealing to the audience that, beneath the short skirt of my panties, there was no crotch.

  His palm against my chest, Jake forced me to lean against the chair's curved back piece, its padded arch ensuring that my breasts maintained an upward thrust. For the first time I saw the rod mounted above the chair and the various items attached to it. Removing two of the silk scarves dangling from the thin steel bar, Jake bound my wrists to the armrests. Two more ties were used to secure my ankles to the chair's legs, ensuring that my pussy remained splayed open for everyone's view.

  Reaching under the seat, he pressed a button. I heard a soft hydraulic hiss, my body jerking once before further tightening as I was lifted a foot off the ground. Jake nodded at someone I couldn't see and then the chair rotated 90 degrees so that the audience viewed me from the side. Jake removed the hood. A pleased gasp rose from the crowd at the fall of my previously concealed red hair. The gasp slid to a softly buzzing hum as he removed the last silk scarf and snugly fastened my neck to the piece of furniture.

  Completely bound, unable to so much as lift my head, my body unnaturally arched and open -- I felt as if he had already pushed me to the limits of my endurance. My moist pants punctuated the air above me and I knew I would reach the point of hyperventilating before another minute passed.

  "Feel me, Alexa," he said, his fingertips sliding over my skin as he took up a position next to my hip.

  Focusing on the warm drift of his flesh over mine, I swallowed once then forced myself to take slower breaths. My eyes tracked his soft touch, following its progress upward to the front closure on the corset I wore. More industrial in nature than the piece I had worn in Chicago, this one used Velcro. The material shrieked as he yanked the ends apart.

  My breasts tumbled out. Caressing them, Jake leaned so that his lips brushed against my ear as he bid me listen closely to the crowd.

  "Do you hear it, love?"

  I heard many things, the creak of chairs as some of the audience leaned closer, the restless motion of hands smoothing against leather and stiff silk.

  "A man," he continued, "Second row, centered near your shoulder..."

  Forcing my attention on that narrow band of sound, I heard it. Breathing as erratic as my own, an extra creak in the chair as if he were discreetly rocking against the seat, his fingernails rhythmic in the way they scratched at the edges of his chair.

  "I told you they would be moaning your name, baby." Finding a swatch of exposed skin just under my chin, he offered the spot a slow sucking kiss as his hand teased one deeply aching nipple to a sharper point.

  My breathing returned to normal, deeper and less hasty. I started to squirm against the uncompromising chair and silk ties. Jake straightened, a satisfied smile on his face as he nodded again to the unseen person controlling the chair. The rotation started, the end cradling my head dipping toward the floor so that blood began pooling and muddling my sense of reality. I saw faces, then Jake's legs and the area of stage behind us, then people again, then legs and another three rotations until Jake's voice cut through my growing dizziness.


  Such a tricky word. "Enough" didn't mean he was done with me. He was just getting started. The chair came to a stop with my raised cunt winking at the crowd and my still inverted head staring at the back wall. I sensed, more than saw, Jake reaching up to the rod to snag one of the pouches hooked to it. A minute later, the pouch, now empty of its contents, fell to the floor. His strong fingers probed my pussy to spread a lubricating gel. My need whimpered low, the flesh he played with flashing hot from arousal then cold as more blood left my legs to find its way to my head.

  Whatever noise the crowd made, I was beyond hearing it. The pounding in my cunt and in my head drowned out all other sound. Feeling the push of something big and round, I moaned and only knew I did so from the vibration in my throat.

  My pussy enveloped the object. I needed my eyes to tell me what it was, but I couldn't lift my head and my partially inverted position would have made seeing impossible. I only knew I was stretched and full and throbbing madly.

  The chair started moving again, no rotation this time, just bringing me upright. If I strained my eyes to look downward, I could see the top of the audience's heads. With his teeth gently chewing my ear, Jake ran soft strokes up and down my clit. My pussy clinched each time he reached -- and then instantly abandoned -- that small pearl hiding under the hood.

  As the contractions running through me grew stronger, I realized what he had placed inside me -- a ball, on a string, the largest of what would prove to be four of successively smaller size. He placed it there so my greedy cunt could suck the remaining balls up one by one, aided by his teasing strokes against my clit and the next toy he plucked from the frame above me.

  Again, I didn't see what he took, not initially. My first clue was the soft buzzing hum. I thought it was a vibe, small like the one he had confiscated, maybe even the exact one he had taken. Then he placed the object against my exposed nipple and I realized why he had ordered me to remove the platinum spiral rods he had given me and why the outfit for the exhibition had no metal parts.

  Electricity cupped the tip of my nipple, the device's attachment shaped like the interior of a mushroom cap. The entire bottom half of my body pulled tighter at the wand's touch and I sucked the first of the three remaining balls into my pussy. He pulled the wand away, allowing me a second to relax, exhale and puncture the air with a cry of pleasure. He touched the wand to the other nipple, the current a little stronger. My cunt curled around the two balls inside me, milking them up and down as I started to writhe.

  "Not yet, baby," he teased in a whisper, his lips softly brushing my ear. "You have two more balls to suck deep inside that sweet pussy before I let you come."

  Stepping back, he nodded to the chair's controller. I no longer had to strain to see some of the faces that watched me, half of them with bodies as tense as mine. Another nod from Jake and only the lower half of the chair moved. I grunted and then a long, keening moan clawed its way out of my throat as my center of gravity plummeted toward the ground. The balls already inside me felt thicker, those outside me heavier, tugging and pulling those inside no matter how hard my pussy twisted and gulped.

  With a light chuckle, Jake moved the wand slowly toward my mound, the electricity surfing up and down my curves, pleasure radiating from its tip and drawing my skin tight. He paused just above the top split of my labia, then skimmed the thick lips.

  "Please," I begged, desperately needing the cap directly over my clit.

  "Suck another ball in, baby," he rasped, his breath hot against my cheek as the wand continued hovering everywhere but where I needed it the most.

  Squirming against my restraints, I focused on the balls inside me. Gravity wanted to pull them out, its insistent tug almost enough to send me over the edge. I focused, tightened around the hard, round lumps then directed the tension higher. Tears sprang to my eyes and my mouth stayed open in a soft O of wonder. Higher...higher...and then I felt the third ball at my gate, its smaller circumference butting impatiently to be allowed in.

  My tongue crept forward to press against my top teeth and I had to remind myself to breathe. Perspiration beaded along my skin, my whole body quivering from the combination of effort and pleasure.

  "Almost there, love, one last suck--"

  Jake and I moaned simultaneously as the third ball disappeared inside me. I opened my eyes, my vision blurry as it lazily surfed t
he faces in the crowd. I saw the man Jake had pointed out when I could only hear the audience. His elbows were planted on his knees, his torso straining forward as if he would push onto the stage at any second. His gaze burned with an intense need, the heat of his expression licking my nipples like small flames.

  Feeling Jake's wand snuggle against my clit with a gentle, intermittent buzz, my eyes rolled back in my head and I involuntarily sucked the fourth, and smallest, of the balls into me with one strong squeeze of need.

  "You're just aching to come love," Jake said softly. "Do you have any idea how hard you have my cock right now? Every cock in the room is ready to pop and every pussy is dripping wet -- because of you, Alexa."

  I swallowed, then slowly opened my eyes to stare at the watchers once more. I wouldn't have believed it, but I could see it in their faces. Not a trace of boredom or disgust -- at the act or my body. Every face looked at me with rapt attention. Almost all who came with a lover blindly reached for their partner, stroking and teasing while their gaze stayed locked on me. I only saw one pair who refrained: Austin Long and his dark-skinned beauty. His hand possessively cupped her shoulder and his gaze flitted between her face and mine. She stared at me, her face shiny with perspiration, her chest rapidly rising and falling as she bit sharply at her bottom lip.

  Jake yanked me back from my inspection of the crowd as he increased the electricity humming against my clit. My entire body trembled with lust, but he didn't intend me to reach my climax, not before he increased the sensations filling my cunt by attaching a weight to the cord that connected the balls to one another.

  My body went slack for an instant and then a choppy quiver started, first deep inside my pussy then spreading and intensifying until every inch of flesh and muscle on me quivered. Another notch up on the wand's current and my first orgasm slammed into me like a freight train. Fluid squirted from me onto the stage. My body jerked, spasmed. I grunted and cried out. A second wave of release and then a third rolled over me and I bordered on collapse.